You can be all the things.
Tired, exhausted, and stressed and still be of service to the world
Just by being you, right now, the way you are.
By sharing what your true experience has been,
Sharing more of yourself,
You can begin connecting with the people out there who needed to hear your story, needed to feel moved by your truth, needed to experience victory through your victories.
You can be so so valuable to someone and change their lives just by existing.
You don't need EXTRA knowledge or certificates to make you valuable or worth it.
You've lived this long as a human.
And your experience, your way of living or overcoming, it matters.
If you've been busy making the best of golden cages, you're probably too pooped to trial and error trusting risk, trusting money, trusting people, trusting yourself.
Maybe you don't know many people, or thanks to the pandemic you can't just make new friends, or network towards your dream job.
I honor the difficulties AND...
You can still share yourself over this beautiful, connectice, massively powerful thing that is the internet. And begin expanding your tolerance for sharing yourself behind the safety of a screen.
We all start somewhere.
What in your life story do you think is powerful?
What are you so proud of yourself for?
Maybe the way you handled something impossible.
Maybe just finishing college, applying for a new job, reaching out to that old friend.
Your risks. Your experience. You matter and your voice is needed and important.