Dec. 8th. 2020
When you ask a person for evidence of divinity
They point to nature as proof
To the miracles of life
As if the willow trees and streams and bees
Were made by something other than itself
We hunger to be free in our nature
We feed our hunger for it through fantasy
Fables, stories, portraiture
We drench our entertainment in heartbreak and slaughter
To live a part of us we’ve rejected
To practice it at a distance, with ease
Emotional gymnastics
To prepare us for when it’s our turn
To devastate or be devastated
Or maybe we’re starved of touch, of passions
We crave to peel off the clothes of another with our teeth
Taste their sweat
Cause their breathless release
But we say to keep it in
Label it as sin
Shut down and tame us
Thinking shame and sublimation
Will contain us
All it does is inflame the masses
Pour lighter fluid on impulses
And hope we’ll bypass this
Building animal inside us
Waiting for an excuse to override our
Control, our poise, our civilized attempts
To not be a part of nature
To live a life exempt